منتديات فراشة تلعفر
منتديات فراشة تلعفر
منتديات فراشة تلعفر
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منتديات فراشة تلعفر

منتدى عراقي تركماني
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 The names of poets Tramps

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Natheer almwla
مؤسس الموقع
مؤسس الموقع
Natheer almwla

عدد المساهمات : 608
نقاط : 1728
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/04/2011
العمر : 33
الموقع : منتدى تجمع نهضة تلعفر تجمعنا

The names of poets Tramps Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The names of poets Tramps   The names of poets Tramps Emptyالخميس فبراير 09, 2012 12:52 pm

Poets Tramps

Poets Tramps: title given to a number of poets who were ignorant walks the roads, raiding caravans and kill and plunder, and then fleeing enemy relying on speed horses do not miss out, has called these poets also Ogrbh Arabs, and most notably:

1 - Shanfari: a fixed ibn Aws al-Azdi, died about 525 m, (before migration).

2 - Tibt evil: a fixed bin Jaber Fahma, died about 535 AD.

3 - Ben Rose Urwa al-Absi, who died about 596 AD.

4 - Ben Silaik Alslleke Mhas of the children, died about 605 AD.

5 - Al-Harith bin Al-Marri is unfair, died about 600 AD.

6 - Qais bin Alhaddadah of Khuza'a, died before Islam.

7 - barrier bin Auf Azdi, died shortly before Islam.

8 - Abu al-Saadi homes, which is know *** Ben branches of Bani Tamim, reportedly died in the succession of Omar ibn al-Khattab.

9 - Ben Alkhtim Nouira, he lived in the heart of Islam, and perhaps realized early Umayyad period.

10 - fighting hamate of the sons of Amer bin Sasah, died about 66 e.

11 - waste bin al-Asadi partner, died in 64 AH.

12 - rock of canceled Havel, died in early Islam.

13 - Hudhali knowledgeable, a Hudhali Habib bin Abdullah, a brother of the poet Tramp rock canceled, and he lived until the age of early Islam.

It was for these poets Tramps felt good, high-level is characterized by force and emotion and imagination, in which the wise and courageous thing a lot.
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The names of poets Tramps
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