تحذير هام لمستخدمي الياهو !!!!
وصلت الى الايميلات مؤخرا (يوم 17-شباط 2011) رسالة مفادها ان بريدك سوف يلغى ان لم تقوم بارسال كلمة السر والعناوين في الرسالة
حيث تحتوي الرسالة على شعار الياهو للتمويه
نود ان نحذر بان هذه الرسائل مصدرها مخترقي الانترنيت الذين يريدون اختراق ايميلاتكم
ولذلك ننصح بالغائها فورا
عنوان الرسالة
We apologize for any inconvenience
نص الرسالة:
(لاحظ وجود شعار الياهو للتمويه)
This is to officially inform you that we are currently upgrading our system database so we are going through deactivation of all unused account and some of our accounts both premium and free accounts. In order to avoid deactivation of your account and continue enjoying Yahoo! service, you will have to update your account by filling the requested information so as to keep your account up to date and will certify that your account is used frequently.
هنا يهدد ويتوعد لمن لا يستجيب لهذا النداء
NOTE: Every account owner that receives this message has encountered the account error and will have to update his/her account with the requested information below.
Please be sure to click the REPLY button first before attempting to fill the info.
هنا يطلب حسابك وكلمة السر
Name: ...................................
ID: ..........................................
Pass word: ...........................
Date of Birth: ........................
Country: .................................
After you must have filled this information and have it sent back to us, your Yahoo! account will not be interrupted/terminated and will continue as normal.
هنا يؤكد تهديده لمن لا يستجيب باغلاق الحساب لمن لا يستجيب
WARNING: Any account owner that receives this message and refuses to update his/her account will be terminated from the Administrator's dept.
Thank you for your usual co-operation. We apologize for any inconvenience.