منتديات فراشة تلعفر
منتديات فراشة تلعفر
منتديات فراشة تلعفر
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات فراشة تلعفر

منتدى عراقي تركماني
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  


 مرشحات الانكليزي 2011 للسادس الاعدادي /الدور الاول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 28
نقاط : 52
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/06/2011

مرشحات الانكليزي 2011 للسادس الاعدادي /الدور الاول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مرشحات الانكليزي 2011 للسادس الاعدادي /الدور الاول   مرشحات الانكليزي 2011 للسادس الاعدادي /الدور الاول Emptyالأربعاء يونيو 22, 2011 12:40 am

Unit one (New Life)
1. Joe had to do a lot of things that he did not like to do just because he was going away to college.
2.Joe went to Allen's in order to please his father
3.Joe's problems started before he left home for college .
4. Joe's father always suggested Allen's for clothes because Allen's has such a large selection
5. How did Joe's sister help him? She helped him by lending him her suitcase and packing his clothes.

Unit Two ( Marshes of Southern Iraq).
1. How do the marsh men mainly live? They live mainly by hunting and fishing .يعيشون بشكل رئيسي على الصيد وصيد الأسماك
2. How are the houses made in the marsh villages?كيف تصنع البيوت في قرى الاهوار
-They are made from reed and reed matsحصران . They stand on their platforms.منصاتها
3. When do the marshmen usually build their houses? Why? متى يبني أهل الاهوار بيوتهم ؟ ولماذا؟
- They usually build their houses during the hot season or in summer because the water level
is very low .يبنون بيوتهم عادة في فصل الصيف لان مستوىا لماء يكون منخفض
4. What do the marsh men use for the purpose of fishing ?ما لذي يستخدمه رجال الهور لغرض الصيد
- They use spears رماح and nets شباك for the purpose of fishing.

Unit Three ( Geometry ) .
1. What is an angle? ماهي الزاوية
-An angle is a place between two meeting lines. هي المجال بين خطين متقابلين
2. What is a circle ?
- A circle is a space enclosed by a curved line. الدائرة: هي الفراغ المنغلق بخط منحني
3. What's geometry ?
- Geometry is the science that deals with shapes and sizes of different things.
4. Geometry is the science that deals with shapes and sizes of different things.
5. Plane geometry deals with plane figures
6. A triangle is a three sided figure . المثلث هو شكل ذو ثلاثة إضلاع
7. What is a solid geometry? is a geometry of three dimensions .

Unit Four ( Areas and Volumes ) .
1. How is the volume of a cube found?
- The volume of a cube is found by multiplying the length by the width by the height.
2. How do we find the area of a triangle ?كيف نجد مساحة المثلث
- We find the area of a triangle by multiplying the base length by the height divided by two.
3. How is the volume of a cube found? كيف يوجد حجم المكعب
- It is found by multiplying the length by the width and the height.الطول×العرض× الارتفاع
4. What is area ? ما هي المساحة
- Area is the measure of surface .هي قياس السطح
5. Volume is found by multiplying the length by the width by the height.يوجد الحجم بضرب الطول ×العرض×الارتفاع
6. Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel.الضلعين المتقابلين في المستطيل متساويان و متوازيان
7. Volume is the space taken up by an object.
8. The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the the length by the height .مساحة المستطيل توجد من ضرب الطول بالارتفاع
9. Volume is the space taken up by an object. The cubic centimeter is used to measure it.
10. To measure the volume of a cylinder , we need to know its height and the radius of its base.
Unit Five ( Writing ) .
1. What did the pictures in ideograph represent?ما الذي تمثله الصور في الكتابة التي تمثل الأفكار
- It represents ideas behind the objects as well as the object themselves.
2. What is writing?ما هي الكتابة
-Writing is an attempt at picturing speech sound.
3. What did the Sumerian use as a writing surface ?ما الذي استخدمه السومريون كسطح للكتابة
- The Sumerians used clay as a writing surface .يستخدم السومريون الطين كسطح للكتابة
4. How was the direction of writing decided in early times ?كيف حدد اتجاه لكتابة في العصور بداية
- It was decided by circumstancesالظروف and practicality .تحدد حسب الظروف والحياة العملية
5. What did the Sumerian used to write with?بما ذا كان يكتب السومريون
- The Sumerians used bones عظام, hard reedsقصب حاد and pieces of metal المعدن قطع من to write with.
6. Who used Hieroglyphic writings? What were introduced in that system?
-The ancient Egyptians introduced the Hieroglyphic writings. Phonetic symbols were introduced.
7. What does ' ideography " refer to?
- Ideography refers to the system of writing used by ancient Iraqis as
there an idea behind the object .يشير إلى نظام الكتابة المستعمل من قبل
العراقيين القدماء عن الفكرة خلف الشيء المكتوب
8. The Greek Roman characters were developed from the Phoenician characters which were the alphabet .
9. The ancient Iraqis wrote on tablets of clay using bones or pieces of metal or reeds As pens.
10. The Sumerians wrote on the clay.كتب السومريون على ألواح من الطين
11. The ancient Egyptians used Hieroglyphic writing
12. The Phoenicians invented the earliest known system of writing.الفينيقيون اخترعوا أول نظام للكتابة
13. Two types of script came to be used after the invention of writing.اختراع الكتابة

Unit Six ( Louis Pasteur ) .
1. When did Louis Pasteur first discover the action of germs ?متى اكتشف باستير عمل الجراثيم
- Louis Pasteur first discovered the action of germs while he was
studying the fermentation in wines an other liquids .اكتشف عمل الجراثيم
أثناء دراسته التخمر في الخمور والسوائل الأخرى
2. What is pasteurization?ما هي البسترة
- Pasteurization is preventing milk from turning bad by heating it.هي منع الحليب من ان يكون سيء بتسخينه
3. Why did Pasteur disagree with those who thought that germs were spontaneously generated.
لماذا لا يتوافق باستير مع الذين يعتقدون ان الجراثيم هي تولد تلقائيا
- Because he believed that living things must come from living parents .أسلاف حية
4. When does Pasteur discover the system of inoculation?متى اكتشف باستير نظام التطعيم
- He discovered the system of inoculation when he injected the chicken with stale culture.
5. Pasteur discovered that air carried germs.اكتشف باستير أن الهواء يحمل جراثيم
6. Pasteur made his first discovery while he was studying fermentation in wines and other liquids.
7. If a person is injectedيحقن with a stale culture of disease , he will not catch it and remain healthy.

لا يصاب بالمرض ويبقي معافى
8. Artificially grown germs are known as cultures .الجراثيم المستكثرة صناعيا تعرف بالاستنبات
9. Pasteur insisted that all life must come from living parents .يصر على أن الحياة يجب ان تأتي من أسلاف حية
10. Decay and fermentation are caused by germs التعفن والتخمر يسبب من قبل الجراثيم
11. Pasteurization is ………………

12. Inoculationالتلقيح means injection
the body with stale cultures of a disease in order not to catch it هو
حقن الجسد باستنبات ( جراثيم خاملة) المرض حتى لا يصاب بها مستقبلا.
13. Germes are ……..( tiny creatures livning in air ) هي مخلوقات صغيرة تعيش في الهواء
Unit Seven ( Domestic Budget ) .
1. Why didn't Arthur receive a gas bill?
- Arthur didn't receive because there was a coin meter in the flat.
2. What encourageشجع Mary to spend half her work's wagesنصف أجور عملها on Friday night?
-Low prices الأسعار الواطئة encouraged Marry to spend half her work's wages on Friday night.
3. How did Arthur know that most of the letters were bills?كيف عرف آرثر أن اغلب الرسائل هي فواتير
- Arthur knew most of the letters were bills from the buff-coloured envelopes.من لون الظروف
4. Some forms of saving money are 1- making a life assurance policy وثيقة التأمين على الحياة

2- putting sums of money into a building society وضع المبالغ في جمعية بناء المساكن
Unit Eight ( Banks ) .
1. Where does the English word " bank " come from? الإنكليزية "bank من أين أتت كلمة "
2. What is a passbook?ما هو دفتر الحساب
- A passbook is a statement or record of sums paid in as well as the sums taken out .
3. Why do few people keep large sums of money in cash?لماذا يحتفظ القليل من الناس بمبالغ كبيرة من النقد
- Few people keep large sums of money in cash to do the daily commercial transaction of
everyday life.للقيام بالأعمال التجارية اليومية
4. Why is a passbook useful? لماذا يعتبر دفتر الحساب مفيد
- Passbook is useful because it helps us to know how much money we have
left in our current account .دفتر الحساب مفيد لأنه يساعدنا على معرفة كم
من النقود موجودة في حسابنا الجاري
5. When did the word "bank" come into general use?
- When the Italians introduce banking into other countries.
6. You can use cheques to tell the bank to pay the money to someone or to yourself.
7. People choose the deposit account when they want to save money in the bank.
8. Banks lend money to other people at a rate of interest نسبة من الفائدة
9. If you put your money in a deposit account حساب ثابت, the bank will give you an interest.فائدة
10. People keep large sums of money in banks so as not to lose by theft or fire

Unit Nine ( A letter from a neighbour ) .
1. Why does Gardiner think that Mr. Jones may be surprised to receive a letter from him?
- Because Mr. Jones was his next neighbour .
2. Mr. Gardiner sent a letter to Mr. Jones because it was easy for him to explain within a letter.
3. Why did Mr. Gardiner get no apples last year?لماذا لم يحصل السيد كاردنر على التفاح السنة الماضية

- because the smoke of bonfiresمشاعل
destroyed all the flowers before the apple had time to form. لان دخان
المشاعل قد دمر كل الإزهار قبل وقت التكوين
4. What awaked Mr. Gardener at midnight ? ما الذي اوقض السيد كاردنر في منتصف الليل
- The noise made by the children climbing one of his trees.
5. How did Mr. Garderner complain against Jones's children ?كيف اشتكى السيد كاردنر من اطفال السيد جونز
- He complained by writing him a letter .
Unit Ten (First Aid 1 ) .
1. How should injured parts be handled ? why ?كيف تمسك الأجزاء المصابة ؟ ولماذا؟
-Injured parts should be handled carefully in order not to hurt the patient .
2. Why do we apply antiseptics to cuts? لماذا نستخدم المطهر للجروح
- We apply antiseptics to cuts to kill the germs .لقتل الجراثيم
3. What happens whenever the skin is broken? ما الذي يحدث لو خدش الجلد
- Whenever the skin is broken the germs enter the body and cause blood poisoning .تسمم الدم
4. What do we call ….? a- the medical science dealing with the immediate treatment.
b- allocating money for items of expenditure.

ماذا نسمي .....؟ أ- العلم الطبي الذي يتناول العلاج الفوري ب- توزيع النقود على شكل إنفاق
- a – First Aids الإسعافات الأولية b- Domestic budgetingالميزانية البيتية
5. The purpose of the "first aid "is to save life and to prevent the
patient from getting any worse.الغرض من "الإسعافات الأولية" هو لإنقاذ
الحياة ومنع المريض من الإصابة بالسوء
6. The two most urgent conditions that need first aid are suffocation and severe bleeding.

الحالتان الأكثر حاجة للإسعافات الأولية هما الاختناق و النزف الشديد
7. First aid is given to save life and to prevent the patient from getting any worse while waiting for a doctor.
8. * When does the first aids become useless?متى يصبح الإسعاف الأولي عديم الفائدة
- First aid becomes useless عديم الفائدة when :-
1- The wound caused by a rusty nail
2- The wound fail to heal لا يشفى الجرح
3- Bleeding still continue النزف يبقى مستمرا
9. Serious bleeding should be stopped in a very short time.النزف الشديد يجب أن يتوقف بوقت قصير جدا
10. How to stop bleeding?كيف توقف النزيف
( 1-) by pressing the wound firmly with the thumbs ,fingers or palm the hand.

بضغط الجرح بقوة بالإبهامين , الأصابع أو براحة الكف
(2-) by covering it with a piece of sterile material.بتغطيته بقطعة معقمة
11. Why should injured parts be handled carefully ?لماذا يجب ان تمسك الاجزاء المصابة بحذر
- Injured parts should be handled carefully in order not to hurt the patient .لكي لا يتألم المصاب

Unit Eleven ( First Aid ll ) .
1. Why do we wet the burned parts with cold water?
- We wet the burned part with cold water to take the heat out of the wound and to keep damage to a minimum

2. Why do we wet the burned parts with cold water or a soothing fluid? لماذا نرطب الاجزاء المحترقة بالماء البارد او بسائل مهديء
-We do that to take the heat out of the wound and keep damaged to a minimum .الحد الأدنى من الضرر
3. What does a first degree burn cause ? ماذا يسبب الحرق من الدرجة الاولى
-First degree burn reddens the skin . يعمل احمرار للجلد
4. The burnt part should be soaked in ………….
5. Two causes of suffocation may be : 1- breathing poisonous gas 2- severe pressure from a crowd.

مسببين للاختناق هما ربما 1- تنفس غاز مسمم 2- الضغط الشديد من الازدحام

Unit Twelve ( Ibn Rushd ) .
1. What do Ibn Rushed's works mainly deal with?ما الذي تتناوله أعمال ابن رشد بشكل أساسي
- Ibn Rushd's works mainly deal with two important subjects : Philosophy and medicineالفلسفة والطب
2. When he was young , what did Ibn Rushd study?ما الذي درسه ابن رشد عندما كان شابا
- Ibn Rushd studied Arabic literature ,medicine ,philosophy , theology , Islamic law , mathematics and astronomy .
3. In his medical book , Ibn Rushd discusses diseases and cures .
4. Ibn Rushd was much ahead في المقدمة of his time because many of his
medical books are stillaccepted today. لان العديد من كتبه الطبية لا تزال
مقبولة في أيامنا هذه
5. As a philosopher, Ibn Rushd is well-known for his ideas on creationالخلق and universe الكون
كفيلسوف, اشتهر ابن رشد بأفكاره حول الخلق والكون
6. In his book, Tahafut al-Tahafut Ibn Rushd distinguishes between ………………..
7. Ibn Rushd's works mainly deal with two important subjects: philosophy and medicine.
8 . What was Ibn Rushd famous of ? بما ذا كان مشهورا
-He was famous of ideas on creationالخلق and universe الكون
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عاشقة عيون تلعفر

عدد المساهمات : 328
نقاط : 563
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2011
العمر : 33
الموقع : منتديات فراشة تلعفر

مرشحات الانكليزي 2011 للسادس الاعدادي /الدور الاول Empty
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مرشحات الانكليزي 2011 للسادس الاعدادي /الدور الاول
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» الفراغات والرسوم المرشحة في مادة الاحياء 2011/الدور الاول

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